Blessed Sacrament
Roman Catholic
Oakland Park, Florida
Journeying Together
Synod 2021 - 2023
Consultative Questions
Consulting the People of the World
*Thank you for even pausing long enough in your busy day to read this page!*
What is this? Synod? It is an ancient Tradition of the Christian Church which is the path along which the People of God walk together. Equally, it refers to the Lord Jesus, who presents Himself as “the way, the truth and the life” (Jn 14:6), and to the fact that Christians, His followers, were originally called “followers of the Way” (cf. Acts 9:2; 19:9-23; 22:4; 24:14-22)
This synod is both a gift and a task. It is the way the Church is to proceed, and this is the way set out for us by the Second Vatican Council (1963-65). Obviously, we have journeyed a very long way already since Jesus rose from the dead and ascended to the Father and sent the Holy Spirit. Thus, we reflect on what we have personally experienced. By responding to the broad questions presented below we will learn from one another’s experiences and perspectives, guided by the Holy Spirit.
What to do then. First pray for God’s guidance.
Note there are three sets of questions to guide your reflection. For the majority of them all keep your response short. Carefully think through your response to each question. Focus in on what “jumps out” at you or appears most strongly as your experience or perspective on the topic of the question. It may be a word, phrase, or sentence (or two sentences). Your response may be made in a string of one-word answers that come to mind. Print this on the sheet that has the question written on it. Please answer in this brief manner. Your carefully chosen word, phrase or sentence may be very powerful. More so than writing a paragraph. The authors are looking for key concepts and thoughts that surface most often among all the responses (worldwide). Long paragraphs may make your experience or perspective be lost in too many words that those who must distill all the responses to manageable inputs/data.
The two questions within “Question 1” may be answered by a phrase or sentence or a string of words.
The first three questions within “Question 2” may be a simple “yes” or “no”. Your response to the final (fourth) question may be the short two or even three sentences or a string of words. You see? Right to the point leading to possible solutions.
The three questions within “Question 3” may take one to two sentences each.
This synod is both a gift and a task. It is the way the Church is to proceed, and this is the way set out for us by the Second Vatican Council (1963-65). Obviously, we have journeyed a very long way already since Jesus rose from the dead and ascended to the Father and sent the Holy Spirit. Thus, we reflect on what we have personally experienced. By responding to the broad questions presented below we will learn from one another’s experiences and perspectives, guided by the Holy Spirit.
What to do then. First pray for God’s guidance.
Note there are three sets of questions to guide your reflection. For the majority of them all keep your response short. Carefully think through your response to each question. Focus in on what “jumps out” at you or appears most strongly as your experience or perspective on the topic of the question. It may be a word, phrase, or sentence (or two sentences). Your response may be made in a string of one-word answers that come to mind. Print this on the sheet that has the question written on it. Please answer in this brief manner. Your carefully chosen word, phrase or sentence may be very powerful. More so than writing a paragraph. The authors are looking for key concepts and thoughts that surface most often among all the responses (worldwide). Long paragraphs may make your experience or perspective be lost in too many words that those who must distill all the responses to manageable inputs/data.
The two questions within “Question 1” may be answered by a phrase or sentence or a string of words.
The first three questions within “Question 2” may be a simple “yes” or “no”. Your response to the final (fourth) question may be the short two or even three sentences or a string of words. You see? Right to the point leading to possible solutions.
The three questions within “Question 3” may take one to two sentences each.
*Keeping it simple will have the most impact and get you heard.*
Thank you again for your help!
Thank you again for your help!