
We begin Our Dedication and Renewal to Stewardship of Our Parish.


Some of you are new to our parish. We are a Stewardship Parish. That is, we offer our God given gifts of Time, Talent and Treasure back to the Lord through this faithful community of Blessed Sacrament Parish.

For those of you who have become members of this community in the past year the next few weeks might be an education to something new. For some, Stewardship has been instilled in you from long ago in another parish. Know that at least a generation of people, before all of us here today, thought enough of us who were to come after them to make generous tithes and gifts through wills and invested their time and talent in ministries so that we can celebrate, learn and come closer to the Lord in this place.

All members will take home the annual Stewardship Commitment Letter. Many of you have received the letter in the mail. This letter involves all elements of our spiritual, communal, and moral lives. You and the family will read it and "sign off" on it as an offering of yourselves. You will return with it the following week and have the honor and pride of processing up and placing it in the Stewardship Basket. This will be your witness to everyone of your love for the Lord.

In the following week we will hear about the Archbishop's (Thomas Wenski) Charities and Development drive. He is a hardworking man of God who has put much effort into ensuring the Church becomes a more effective witness of its teaching. Yes, we will make pledges to the ABCD drive on the following week as many leaders in the parish already have by mail.

Thank you to all of our parish members for your wonderful Stewardship over this past year. Because of you, ministries have continued, and more people have become involved.
The solicitation for the Archbishop’s Charities and Development fund has been mailed to each of your households. Please respond by making your pledge. You calculate your pledge amount according to the chart that is attached to the literature. It is calculated at 2% of your income.

I ask you to join me in making the pledge and then paying it off over the year to come.

The ABCD supports many works of the Church that cannot be addressed by one parish alone. It helps poor parishes that cannot support themselves. It supports social services that are administered by the Church. And much more,

Let Us Make a Pledge to ABCD Thank You!
Father Bob


Will you respond
to God’s
gracious call?

Stewardship Recognition, 2023
Parish Members - Djaniane Garcia, Molly Fuentes, Jesse Nafarrate

This year we have selected three young adult members of the parish who serve in the sanctuary during the Liturgy. Each has always been prepared for his or her role and is responsible for attendance and performance. Djaniane Garcia is Reader of the Word. She, and her brothers have remained faithful to the practice of the Faith under the good guidance of their parents. Molly Fuentes has grown up before our eyes being an alter server. She is now a young woman who just graduated college and is the pride of her parents. With all humility Molly continues in the role of server and now organizes the worship space too. Jesse Nafarrate also began as a little boy server. He has become a young man in the role under the guidance of his grandmother. Jesse serves as the lead server to train others in the role. He also is responsible for the major Holy Days as well.

Community Member Recognition
Chris Fischer

In some years a person from outside the parish, a member of the community, is selected. The person has shown good ethical work in the community that has often been linked to the parish’s mission. Chris Fischer is a real estate agent now. Prior to this Chris was the side-line reporter for NFL games on CBS. (That’s why his face is so familiar.) With his community experience he is now the President of our Neighborhood Association. He became introduced to our parish through our Cherry Creek Park. This year Chris has led the association in advocacy for our continued partnership with the City of Oakland Park in running the park. His media experience has obviously taught him how to be an effective spokesperson and organizer. With the Grace of God, Chris will grow in the role of ethical leadership in the civic realm. (As a result of his advocacy for the parish and park he celebrates the Liturgy with us, keeping holy the Lord’s Day.)

Wills and Trusts

One day a man said his children come first when it comes to the money and property he will leave behind. He said this meaning he was not planning to leave anything to the parish and Church that he admitted nurtured and served him all his life. He said this after saying how happy he has been with his home parish.

Folks, this parish is one of your children! It ought to be included in your will too. It must continue beyond any of our lives to nurture and serve all those coming next. The current pastor and many others who are members today might themselves be dead before you. Leaving some support to the parish when you die is helping ensure it is here to serve always and a testament to your own faith.

Blessed Sacrament Parish is very much helped through a Trust a former member left for it to use now. Think about it.

The parish office may be helpful in giving direction as to how to remember Blessed Sacrament Parish in your will.

Archdiocese of Miami Development Corporation

1. “For God is the one who, for his good purpose, works in you both to desire and to work.” Philippians 2:13
Continue your purpose. Make a gift today!

2. Your will and estate plan are important because they benefit your family, friends and favorite charities after your lifetime. Maximize your options by seeking the help of an estate planning attorney who can ensure that your goals are accomplished and advise you of the implications of any contemplated moves. If you are considering a gift to us, we can help you choose a method that maximizes your money and satisfies your wishes and our needs. Email us today

3. “Rather, when you hold a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind; blessed indeed will you be because of their inability to repay you." Luke 14:13-14

Jesus invites us to be humble and warns us not to give in to hopes of repayment, but to give openhandedly to the poor and needy. That sort of giving mirrors the bountiful giving of God, and Jesus assures us that the faithful steward’s efforts will surely be blessed.