Credential Monitoring Procedure

The many of you who volunteer in many capacities and ministries, I thank you. You are moving in the direction of being disciples of our Lord and not mere consumers of religion.
Each volunteer was recently mailed the "Credential Monitoring Procedure". This lays out how a person may become involved in a ministry as a volunteer and how one must comply with all Safe Environment requirements. It is quite simple and straightforward. If for some reason you need another copy of our procedure please contact the Parish Office (954)565-1010.
The important matter to remember is we all must be credentialed as being in compliance with the safety requirements: Discernment of the ministry one is to participate in; Initial Application process; Initial Background Clearance and the subsequent five year follow-up; Initial VIRTUS in person training; Monthly On-line VIRTUS ongoing education on keeping people safe; The personal Pledge; Training for the specific ministry one is in.
Keeping up with the On-line VIRTUS education is where we most often lapse. Note that if you forget to do the on-line education for more than three months you MUST catch up or risk suspension from active ministry until it is done. Naturally, not complying with any portion of the policies and procedures may cause one to risk suspension.
If either your ministry Team Leader, the Parish Office Manager (Yvonne Tawfik-Mestre) or I, your Pastor, contact you by phone, letter, e-mail, etc. concerning a matter of compliance please take the matter seriously. Our records of compliance are monitored each year. We want to be the parish with the highest rate of compliance!
If we all did not comply or any number of us did not comply it could bring the parish to a screeching halt.
Proudly, we are a Stewardship Parish where we the members all participate as disciples. We all get involved in ways large and small. Let us keep things running smoothly even as we continue to bring on more and new people to minister here. By the way, feel free to ask others to consider serving just as you serve.
May the Lord continue to bless us all with His Peace!
Each volunteer was recently mailed the "Credential Monitoring Procedure". This lays out how a person may become involved in a ministry as a volunteer and how one must comply with all Safe Environment requirements. It is quite simple and straightforward. If for some reason you need another copy of our procedure please contact the Parish Office (954)565-1010.
The important matter to remember is we all must be credentialed as being in compliance with the safety requirements: Discernment of the ministry one is to participate in; Initial Application process; Initial Background Clearance and the subsequent five year follow-up; Initial VIRTUS in person training; Monthly On-line VIRTUS ongoing education on keeping people safe; The personal Pledge; Training for the specific ministry one is in.
Keeping up with the On-line VIRTUS education is where we most often lapse. Note that if you forget to do the on-line education for more than three months you MUST catch up or risk suspension from active ministry until it is done. Naturally, not complying with any portion of the policies and procedures may cause one to risk suspension.
If either your ministry Team Leader, the Parish Office Manager (Yvonne Tawfik-Mestre) or I, your Pastor, contact you by phone, letter, e-mail, etc. concerning a matter of compliance please take the matter seriously. Our records of compliance are monitored each year. We want to be the parish with the highest rate of compliance!
If we all did not comply or any number of us did not comply it could bring the parish to a screeching halt.
Proudly, we are a Stewardship Parish where we the members all participate as disciples. We all get involved in ways large and small. Let us keep things running smoothly even as we continue to bring on more and new people to minister here. By the way, feel free to ask others to consider serving just as you serve.
May the Lord continue to bless us all with His Peace!
Father Bob
Father Bob
First Communion
and Confirmation

On the Thursday evening before Pentecost Sunday two young men completed their initiation into the Church by the Sacrament of Conformation. One is Ryan (not in the picture) and the other is Jesse (seen in the red robe).
On Pentecost Sunday three children recieved Holy Communion, the Eucharist, for the first time. They are Jason (the shortest), Olivia and Roberto. Marion who leads the Formation In the Faith is seen here too.
Fr. Bob is our Pastor.
May They and their families always walk with the Lord.
On Pentecost Sunday three children recieved Holy Communion, the Eucharist, for the first time. They are Jason (the shortest), Olivia and Roberto. Marion who leads the Formation In the Faith is seen here too.
Fr. Bob is our Pastor.
May They and their families always walk with the Lord.
Baptism of Leia

On the Third Sunday of Easter we added another "young lady" to the Community of Faith! Her name is Leia. Her parents are Johnathan and Julie. This is their second child to be baptized at Blessed Sacrament Parish. Logan was their first. Now they have a son and daughter. We are more than delighted!
Pictured (right) with them and their children are Fr. Bob Tywoniak and the proud God Parents Diane and Gregory.
The Faith Community at Blessed Sacrament continues to grow. In the next couple of months we know there will be another child to be baptized. That child is a boy. I wonder if we can make a match in the future.
Pictured (right) with them and their children are Fr. Bob Tywoniak and the proud God Parents Diane and Gregory.
The Faith Community at Blessed Sacrament continues to grow. In the next couple of months we know there will be another child to be baptized. That child is a boy. I wonder if we can make a match in the future.
Fr. Bob

Holy Week

Thanks for viewing our site and sharing in Father Bob's weekly reflections on the Sunday scriptures.
This is our parish church decorated for Good Friday and the Easter Vigil. For Good Friday you will note the mural on the back wall that surrounds the crucifix. This depicts Mary and others, such as the beloved diciple at the foot of the Cross. The mural was finished by our "in house" artist, a member of Blessed Sacrament Parish, Brian Fitzgerald. Brian maintains a studio in the historic district of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He specializes in works made of fabric.
This is our parish church decorated for Good Friday and the Easter Vigil. For Good Friday you will note the mural on the back wall that surrounds the crucifix. This depicts Mary and others, such as the beloved diciple at the foot of the Cross. The mural was finished by our "in house" artist, a member of Blessed Sacrament Parish, Brian Fitzgerald. Brian maintains a studio in the historic district of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He specializes in works made of fabric.

The arrangement of the sanctuary for Easter is designed and set in place by our set design and work crew. They are Bill, Ed, Dennis, Carlos with help from the Pastor, Fr. Bob.
Come visit us during this Easter Season. It lasts through the Feast of Pentecost.
A kind donation from you to our work here at Blessed Sacrament Parish is welcomed. Besides this informative website, we provide uplifting Liturgies on the weekend. The Sunday celebration also challenges you through the Scriptures. Moreover, the parish supports the provision of food and other services people are in need of.
Simply go to our online giving button. We appreciate your support to keeping our work in the name of God moving forward.
Peace be with you.
Come visit us during this Easter Season. It lasts through the Feast of Pentecost.
A kind donation from you to our work here at Blessed Sacrament Parish is welcomed. Besides this informative website, we provide uplifting Liturgies on the weekend. The Sunday celebration also challenges you through the Scriptures. Moreover, the parish supports the provision of food and other services people are in need of.
Simply go to our online giving button. We appreciate your support to keeping our work in the name of God moving forward.
Peace be with you.
Donate Now!
Father Dennis’s
New Webpage!
Take a look at the page below. It contains reflections by Fr. Dennis. You have come to know him. For the better part of a year, he has graced the pulpit of Blessed Sacrament Parish with fine, courageous preaching. Perhaps you would like to read his challenging columns.
We had some VERY special Guests!

On the feast day of our parish, Corpus Christi, the Body of Christ, the Blessed Sacrament, we had special guests! This extended family from Atlanta were in town for a family reunion. They are Vietnamese. Five of them were born in Vietnam and escaped to the U.S. On our feast day we of Blessed Sacrament were graced and honored that they chose to celebrate the Eucharist with us during their own special family reunion.
May the Lord's Peace be with them.
May the Lord's Peace be with them.