Holy Sacraments

If you know someone who is thinking of entering into Matrimony, ask them to consider putting God in the middle of their lives. They should contact their pastor once they have decided to get married. The Church has a definite way to prepare people for Matrimony. It is a dynamic and involved process. The Church community accompanies and supports the couple along the way. The process takes up to eight months.
The marriage ceremony must take place in the church building and not in some other venue. In this way the couple gives witness to the Faith. Contact Fr. Bob at the rectory office. (954) 565-1010

Sacraments of Initiation
In the case of: Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation in the Faith,
children and adults must be prepared. These sacraments bring one
progressively into a fuller communion with the priesthood of Jesus
Christ and His Church. Christian living is a lifelong journey.
Infant Baptism: Please contact the rectory in advance of an expected
birth or adoption process. Parents and Godparents participate in a
pre-baptism preparation. This gives them an opportunity to reflect
on the meaning of Baptism and to have questions answered
concerning the Sacrament and the ceremony.
First Eucharist

Adult Initiation Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

Adults and youth learn differently than young children. The RCIA respects that reality. Further, it is more than a mere classroom educational process. It is a formation of one’s life in a walk with the Lord God and His faithful community. Over the course of one year, the candidate for initiation into the Faith Community that we call the Church explores his or her own life journey thus far and that into the future. This is done with other adults who help guide and mentor. This pastor of this parish, Father Bob, is much involved in the process, too.
If you are aware of some yearning or urging from within yourself that says, “I need greater fullness and fulfillment of life,” perhaps it is the loving Lord who is calling you. Call or write to the pastor, Father Bob, and talk with him about this yearning. From there you will be guided to the formation that will help you along the way.